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Sketching for CGT 353
pencil image

Pre-production work is an important part of multimedia development, and is required for several of the projects in this course. The overall quality of your sketches will be reflected in the project grades, and can account for as much as 15% of the grade for each project.

Thumbnail sketches are meant to reflect the general idea of the particular project design, and are an important part of the conceptualization process.

The primary purpose of thumbnail sketches is to explore several different design ideas (at least six) in order to maximize the potential for identifying the best design for a particular project. Once completed, students submit these sketches to the class instructor for evaluation, where both parties discuss the ideas in order to choose a single design.

Once a design has been decided upon, Color Compositions are developed in order to "flesh out" the idea developed in the thumbnails. Color comps should be as detailed as possible in order to reflect the best vision of the project. (all sketches should be colored using color or prisma-color pencils) Once completed, students submit these color comps to the class instructor for final approval.


For information contact: Professor R.J. Glotzbach