<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% 'Option Explicit %> <% Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" %> <% dim id_key dim day_key dim month_key dim sort_key dim year_key dim sql id_key = cint(request.QueryString("id")) day_key = request.querystring("day") month_key = request.QueryString("mo") sort_key = request.QueryString("s") year_key = request.QueryString("yr") if day_key = "" then day_key = 0 else day_key = cint(day_key) end if if month_key = "" then month_key = Month(Date) else month_key = cint(month_key) end if if sort_key = "" then sort_key = 0 else sort_key = cint(sort_key) end if if year_key = "" then year_key = Year(Date) else year_key = cint(year_key) end if if month_key < Month(Date) and year_key <= Year(Date) then month_key = Month(Date) year_key = Year(Date) end if %>
Manage Calendar Calendar of Events
<%= Session("msg") %> <% Session.Contents.Remove("msg") %>
  Classes   Events   Seminars
<%= get_month_events() %>
<% if day_key <> 0 then %> <%= monthname(month_key) & " " & day_key & ", " & year_key %> <% elseif sort_key = 1 then %> Classes this Month <% elseif sort_key = 2 then %> Events this Month <% elseif sort_key = 3 then %> Seminars this Month <% else %> This Month <% end if %>