Browser (Hexadecimal) Color


In web graphics, the definition of colors in the image are a function of the raster editor that you use.  Some allow you to use the RGB model and specify your colors by red, green, and blue. Others may use the HLS or CYM models for color specification. However, with bitmap graphics included on web pages, there is no direct color definition in the HTML file. The colors are defined in the image editor when you create it. Therefore, all colors are inherent to the bitmap itself. 

However, with text elements, backgrounds, and horizontal rules defined by the HTML coding, you must work with something called hexadecimal color. Hexadecimal color is a base 16 mathematical numbering system used to define and describe HTML colors for the browser. Unless you have worked in some area of computer programming in the past, it is likely that this will be your first acquaintance with hexadecimal color. 

As you will find, it is much easier to work with colors in a bitmap editor than it is to work with colors in HTML coding.  In a raster editor, colors are defined by simply picking them with the mouse as described.  In HTML, however, you must mathematically define colors using abstract letters and numbers such as FFFFFF for white or 000000 for black. We’ll take a closer look at defining hexadecimal color a little later. Just realize that it is easier to use a paint editor to create bitmaps than it is to define hexadecimal colors in HTML code. 

Hexadecimal Color
As we have discussed, creating colors in HTML code is much more difficult that the visual point-and-click environment of most image editors. To define colors in a web page you must use hexadecimal code (base 16) to define the colors; something that you probably didn’t even know existed until you started designing web pages. Probably one of the least favorite tasks of any web developer is dealing with hexadecimal color because in the age of graphical user interfaces, it is not a natural way to work graphically based ends. 

All browser colors are defined using hex. Colored text, colored links, colored outlines, anything that is not a graphic and that you want to be a color on the web page must be defined using hexadecimal code. In reality, hexadecimal code is nothing more than three, two number sequences that represent our normal decimal numbering system. It sounds simple, but to many it is a point of confusion. Really the only thing you have to do is convert your normal method of representing graphic color (RGB) to a hexadecimal representation. 

If you have used an image editor at all, you’ve probably seen how the raster environment defines colors. Using RGB or CYMK sliders you combine additive or subtractive primaries to create a single color.  In hexadecimal, however, each color requires a unique hexadecimal code to define it. To do the conversion you will need to start with an RGB-based color definition. 

For example in RGB, white is defined as R:255, B:255, G:255. The hexadecimal representation is FFFFFF. For black, the RGB definition is R:0, B:0, G:0. The hexadecimal representation is 000000. You’ll find that hex is a pretty abstract way to represent color and it is one that many of us despise. Probably the only one’s that you will remember from memory are black, white, and “Netscape Gray” (CCCCCC). As a definite hex-hater myself, there is a quick method that you can do with a calculator that will give you accurate results every time. Note, however, it won’t make it any more fun! 

Calculating Hex

To calculate hexadecimal values you’ll need two specific things. The first thing you’ll need to know is the RGB specification of the color you wish to convert to hex.  For this, you can use a bitmap editor. Choose a color visually and then write down the RGB color values shown in the editor. The second thing you’ll need is a scientific calculator. If you’ve got a PC, you have it already (look in the Accessories group). Unfortunately for Macintosh users, there is not system calculator that can work in scientific mode. There are, however, several shareware and freeware calculators that have this capability. 

To convert an RGB color to a hexadecimal color you would: 

  • Begin by finding the red, green, and blue values for the color in the your image editor. I have chose an RGB color defined by R:222, G:39, and B:151 for this example. Any color will do.
  • Next open the calculator from the Window’s Accessories group.
  • Select Scientific from the View menu.
  • Make sure you are in DEC mode and enter the red value into the calculator. From the example, you would use the red value of 222. 
  • Next you click on HEX, which will then show you the hex value of the red decimal value. Your red value of 222 gives you a hex value of DE. Jot this hex value down.
  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the green and blue values. The green value of 39, should give you a hex value of 27. The blue value of 151 should give you a hex value of 97.
  • Once you have converted the red, green, and blue values  to hex, write your results as a single string. This is the hex value of the color. In the example, an RGB color of R:222, G:39, and B:151 is represented with hexadecimal code as DE2797.
  • You would then use this value in your HTML code. If you wanted the background color of the browser to be this color you would enter:
        1. <BODY BGCOLOR=“#DE2797”>
      This makes the background of the browser the specified hex color.

    Mathematical Conversion

    Hexadecimal is a type of code that the computer uses internally. On web pages it is used to represent colors. Conversion between binary and hex can be done in your head (see Binary to Hex).

    Using the following table, you can convert a decimal number to hex mathematically:

    160-A (10)
    176-B (11)
    192-C (12)
    208-D (13)
    224-E (14)
    240-F (15)
    In the table above, you see a decimal number and a hex number seperated by a dash (respectively). To convert a decimal number (assumed part of an RGB color), divide the decimal number by 16. This is the first part of the resulting hex value. If the value is 0-9 the number is the first part of the hex value. If the number is 10-15, it is the corresponding letter.

    If there is a remainder, look it up in table using the hex value. This is the second part of the hex representation.

    For example a decimal value of 27 would yield:

    27/16 = 1 remainder 11

    Since 16 goes into 27 once, the first part of the hex value is 1. The remainder 11, as shown in the table, corresponds to B. Thus the hex representation of 27 is 1B.

    The decimal 221 would yield:

    221/16 = 13 remainder 13

    Since 16 goes into 221 13 times, the first part of the hex value is D. The remainder is also 13, as shown in the table, so the second value is also D. Thus the hex representation of 221 is DD.

    But what if there is no remainder? Given the decimal 64, what is the hex value?

    64/16 = 4 remainder 0

    Since 16 goes into 64 4 times, the first part of the hex value is 4. The remainder 0 is zero. Thus the hex representation of 64 is 40.

    Web Resources
    In addition to the calculator method, there are several sites on the Web that have on-line RGB to hex converters that you can use to calculate hex values from RGB values. Check out these sites to help you calculate hex values: